SCHOOLWATCH has been saying all along:
"Just follow the money!"
5 more lawyers lose credits
Cuomo is a Eunuch!
Attorney General Andrew Cuoma has announced another payout by school district law firms that amounts
to nothing more that “wrist slapping.” Cuomo settled with two school law firms for a total
of $600,000. Both settlements with these law firms allow the foxes to remain in the hen house at the expense
of the taxpayers.
The law firm of Girvin & Ferlazzo settled their pension fraud with the Attorney General for $500,000.
Whip-tee-doo! This firm was previously reported to have scammed the system for millions of dollars,
defrauded the school districts by submitting claims for partners work when it was low paid associates doing the work, and
also scamming for health insurance claims. $500,000 is but a small fraction of the amount scammed, and
Cuomo is announcing this as some sort of victory for the taxpayer. Nothing in Cuomo’s recent press
releases indicates that any of the attorneys of this firm are being held accountable for violating the public trust, violating
the law, or violating the attorney Code of Professional Responsibility. Let’s be thankful that Cuomo
is not bringing his “tough guy” act to violent criminals. No one would be safe!
The Hogan & Sarzynski firm of Binghamton also bought its way out of trouble with a $100,000 payment.
Big deal. Ed Sarzynski has been victimizing special education children around the State for
decades, enabling districts to delay and deprive students with disabilities of needed services through his bullying tactics.
Now the taxpayers learn that he has engaged in criminal activity while he victimized their children, and what is the
result? He pays a small fine and continues to terrorize families. Cuomo is a sissy of
an attorney general. Listen to this tough talk and then compare it with his deals. "Both of these firms
engaged in long-term schemes that cost New York's taxpayers and warped the very laws their attorneys were supposedly expert
in," said Attorney General Cuomo. "The systemic abuse my office has uncovered in the public pension and benefits systems has
wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, and we will continue working to put an end to the abuse and an end to lawyers receiving
public benefits they are not entitled to." (Actually, Cuomo’s office did not uncover this,
and it is just grandstanding for him to try to take the credit.) The result, small fines. Oh, sure, they may seem large to
you and I, but these fines are but a single-digit fraction of what these firms rake in from school districts each year.
Accountability? None. All of these lawyers are being left in place to continue
to manipulate the system, continue to practice law, and to continue to violate the public trust. Cuomo
is a eunuch! Read how the Girvin firm set this scam up, as reported by Cuomo:
“The Girvin Firm and the school districts served by HFM BOCES would
agree annually to an amount for the Girvin Firm's retainer fees to provide labor relations services. The schools would then
pay those retainers to HFM BOCES, which in turn would pay individual lawyers at the Girvin Firm the same amount in the form
of "salaries." It was left to the Girvin Firm to determine which of the partners would be improperly listed as "employees"
to receive these "salaries" and what each individual's salary would be, regardless of whether he or she performed any labor
relations work for HFM BOCES .”
So, The Cuomo allows them to pay a fraction of what they stole back to the state, and allows them to
continue in their practice of law when they defrauded these school districts and received pay for services that weren’t
performed. 12 of the Girvin firm attorneys were involved in the scam, yet The Eunuch boasts only that the
firm is held accountable. What about the attorneys, you Eunich! What about their individual
accountability? Why have you left them with their law licenses and in a position to continue to rape the
Oh, let’s analyze another component of the settlement The Eunuch worked out with the Girvin
firm. The settlement will have the AG’s office monitoring the firm’s bills to public sector
clients for 3 years. Well, for a firm the size of the Girvin firm, that has multiple full-time employees
working its billing, it would take a full time AG person to effectively monitor this billing. Is the AG’s
office dedicating someone to this task? And if so, you and I are paying for that. But the reality is that
it will be such a superficial “monitoring” that it will be meaningless. To illustrate how easily
the Girvin firm will be able to recoup this money from their client school districts, imagine this:
1) Each of these corrupt lawyers is told they must help recoup this $500,000.
2) Each of them adds ten-tenths of an hour to their billing each day.
So, instead of ten entries of .1 (1-6 minutes of work), they make ten entries of .2 (7-12 minutes of work). Or they
could mix it up and increase a 1.1 to a 1.2. You get the point. This is something that
is impossible for someone “monitoring” billings to detect.
3) Now, if each of these lawyers has an hourly rate of $250/hour, this amounts
to $250 per lawyer of fraud each day.
4) With twenty lawyers listed on their website, this would amount to $5000
of fraud each day upon the taxpayer.
5) So, after 100 business days of this fraudulent activity, they have recovered
the fine paid to the State, and have put in place a new practice of fraud, all while under the watchful eye of The Eunuch.
Now, don’t imagine that these disreputable attorneys have not already calculated some way to continue
“doing business as usual.” These deals were not cut without some new plan in mind to allow
them to keep the money flow going. Associates in these firms are already reporting on the pressures they
are having placed upon them with their billing practices to make up the losses associated with this scandal.
The Hogan, Sarzynski firm’s settlement is an extremely sweet deal for the lawyers. Their scam
involved allowing the lawyers to participate in the health insurance plans of the district as well as the State retirement
system. Ironically, their firm’s website says that they have “earned a reputation for excellence
and integrity.” Right. Hogan had a lot of integrity – he was listed as an employee of 6 districts
and a BOCES at the same time. He’s been receiving a pension benefit of $91,752.00 since 2000, collecting over $500,000
in benefits to day. (Note that The Eunuch is not taking into account the cost of the health insurance.)
The Eunuch reported in his press release, “Hogan purposefully manipulated the school districts both for his own
personal benefit and for the benefit of the firm.” The deal The Eunuch cut with the firm was
that the partners pay $100,000 to the State and cooperate in criminal or civil cases against Hogan.
So, those current scammers at H&S pay a small fine and get left in place to find some other way to
rip off the taxpayers, and they push Hogan under the school bus. Hogan was admitted to practice law in
1954. That puts him at 80+ years old. What a deal! The partners agree to cooperate in
going after the 80 year old guy, who statistically will not be around to see the end of any civil or criminal prosecution.
The current perpetrators of the crime get left in place, and the aged attorney that is no longer able to access our
schools for his crimes is the fall guy. The Eunuch must have an aversion to taking in the attorneys who
are spry.
The Eunuch Cuomo said, "This firm abused its relations with public schools so its lawyers could receive taxpayer-funded
benefits they weren't entitled to. To think that this practice went on for more than 40 years belies any sense of reason and
vividly illustrates a wanton disregard of laws protecting public funds." Yet, Cuomo is allowing those with a wanton disregard
of laws protecting public funds to remain in positions to access those funds. One really has to wonder
what these lawyers may have given The Eunuch in exchange for these deals. Obviously, The Eunuch is using
this publicity in an attempt to appear the “tough Attorney General” for his future run for governor, so one cannot
help but think that these lawyers getting the sweet deals have made some promises to help The Eunuch in that endeavor. In
ancient China, the eunuchs who worked in the emperor’s palace used to keep their testicles in a vessel so that they
could be buried with them and be whole in the afterlife. I imagine one day meeting with Cuomo in his office,
and as we chat my eyes will be darting around his office looking for the urn in which he keeps his.
Cuomo to hold Long Island hearings on school pensions
3:44 PM EDT, May 15, 2008
State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced today that he and a bipartisan group of state
legislators will hold hearings on Long Island next week on the improper granting of pension
and other benefits by school and special districts as well as local governments.
Cuomo's office, along with other federal
and state agencies, has been investigating whether there has been a massive granting of improper benefits to professionals
employed in the districts and government entities.
"The fraud that this investigation has already uncovered is inexcusable,
and it's going to end now," Cuomo said in a news release.
"At the hearings, we will explore not only the current state
of our investigation," Cuomo said, "but also potential legislative solutions that may save taxpayers millions of dollars going
Cuomo has credited stories in Newsday for prompting his investigation.
Also conducting the hearing,
scheduled for next Thursday, will be State Sens. Dean Skelos [R- Rockville Centre and Kenneth
LaValle, [R-Port Jefferson] and Assembs. Robert Sweeney [D-Lindenhurst] and Earlene Hooper.[D-Hempstead]
Glen Cove
Superintendent Laurence Aronstein, whose district declined to put attorney Carol Hofffman on its payroll after she requested
it, said the hearings would be "healthy."
"I think the fact that they're reaching out into the field and that they're
interested in hearing from the field... is critically important," he said.
Several lawyers around the state who received
pensions as if they were employees, but actually were contract workers not entitled to the benefits, already have reached
settlements with Cuomo's office.
But Cuomo has said that the practice may be very widespread and his investigation
is ongoing.
The location of the hearing is to be announced.
Staff writer Sandra Peddie contributed to this
Copyright © 2008, Newsday Inc.
Law Firms involved in Pension Scandal continue Rape of Tax Payers
SchoolWatch has received
multiple reports from education law attorneys across NY State that represent parents and school districts that the firms
involved in the pension scandal are engaging in conduct allowing them to continue raping the tax payers to make up for the
revenue lost due to the pension scandal. As we have all seen, these law firms have stolen tens of millions of dollars from
school districts across New York State, and Attorney General Andrew
Cuomo is investigating the abuse of the pension scandal. Yet, these attorneys are all still working for the same school
district clients.
One junior associate,
who insisted on remaining anonymous and who works for a Long Island firm named in the scandal reported to SchoolWatch that the attorneys in the firm have been directed to “churn fees” on cases to make up
for the lost revenue and to cover the considerable expenses associated with “dealing with the ‘f-ing’ FBI,”
as one senior partner described the Federal Bureau of Investigation that has secured documentation from there office.
Two parent attorneys have reported that the school district attorneys that they routinely have dealt with appear to be generating
needless paperwork, prolonging hearings unnecessarily, and engaging in frivolous defenses in order to generate additional
fees on routine matters. “There is no doubt that this change in behavior is the result of the pension scandal, and they
have just determined to make up for the lost revenue with fee churning.” Fee churning refers to conduct of attorneys
that drives up the fees in a case needlessly in order to increase revenues for the firm. It is considered unethical
conduct, and looked at negatively by the profession.
A Central
New York school district firm was recently chastised in federal court by a Magistrate who recognized what was
occurring, and told the lawyer that continuing the litigation was “flushing money down the toilet.” Susan
Johns, of the CNY Ferrara Firm refused to settle and continues to litigate, reported a parents attorney. “She
has no good faith legal basis upon which to proceed, and I am certain that her intentions are to generate attorney fees for
her firm,” said the parents attorney. “It’s unconscionable, and certainly not in the best interest of her
client or the tax payers of that district.”
A parents’ attorney
on Long Island reported, “It is clear that the last two special education matters that I have initiated are proceeding
to hearing because of extremely unreasonable positions taken by the school districts attorney, that I believe are taken to
ensure a hearing occurs in order to generate greater fees for the firm.” Another parents attorney, who also has
been engaged in special education litigation on Long Island, reported that one of the firms
named in the scandal appears not to be implementing a settlement agreement for the purpose of causing a new legal action to
enforce that settlement agreement. “This is the first time I have encountered a special education settlement agreement
not being implemented by a school district. It’s alarming. I am attempting to determine if this failure is linked
to fee churning, and suspect it is.”
As taxpayers, we must
ask, "Why is the Attorney General allowing these firms and attorneys to continue to rape us?"
SchoolWatch has had numerous
anonymous letters received, providing more information into this scandal and other scandals involving school attorneys across
the state. We are working diligently with our developed sources to vet this information, so that these scandals can
be reported to you. Stay tuned. We are sure there is more to come.
Published: April 11, 2008
ALBANY — Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo has expanded his investigation into an alleged pension fraud scheme to include scores
of lawyers and school districts accused of having bilked the state out of tens of millions of dollars in benefits.
Mr. Cuomo announced on Thursday that he had issued subpoenas to 90 lawyers and
180 school districts on Long Island and upstate. Investigators believe they were part of a scheme, dating back at least a
decade, in which school districts listed lawyers working as contractors as “employees,” allowing them to receive
full health insurance and pension benefits accorded to state employees.
“It is surprising to me the level of fraud we’ve seen,” Mr. Cuomo
said at a press conference outside his office here. “The more we dig, the worse the situation gets.”
The investigation began in February after Newsday reported a scam involving a lawyer,
his firm and five school districts. The newspaper reported that the lawyer was listed as a full-time employee at all five
districts even though he worked as a contractor. The designation made him eligible for lifetime health benefits and guaranteed
him a pension of more than $61,000 a year, according to the newspaper.
The report also said that the lawyer submitted no time sheets and did not work
full time for any of the districts, while the districts paid his firm more than $2.5 million in fees.
The lawyer, Lawrence Reich, told the newspaper that what he was doing was “common
practice” among Long Island lawyers.
After the newspaper report, the F.B.I. issued subpoenas to the school districts. The State Department of Education then referred
the matter to Mr. Cuomo’s office. Mr. Cuomo’s investigation now includes lawyers and firms in more than 20 upstate
counties including Albany, Broome, Delaware, Erie, Madison and Monroe.
Of the 90 lawyers whom the attorney general’s office has identified as having
possible involvement in the scheme, 20 are on Long Island. Thirty of the 180 school districts believed so far to be involved
are also on Long Island.
Mr. Cuomo said that one lawyer being investigated was listed as an employee of
seven school districts in a single year and may have collected more than $700,000 in taxpayer-paid benefits.
Some lawyers who were listed on the payrolls of school districts and boards of
cooperative educational services being investigated never provided any legal services, Mr. Cuomo said. Others were listed
as employees of several school districts and accumulated substantial credits in the state’s employee retirement system.
At least one lawyer was reported to have received state benefits until his death.
“It’s remarkable that it has gone on for as long as it has,”
Mr. Cuomo said. “It was a great scam.”
For the school districts, the motivation was reimbursements they would receive
by claiming that they were paying benefits to an employee rather than fees to a contract lawyer, Mr. Cuomo said.
Richard P. Mills, the state education commissioner, said in a statement on Thursday, “Abuse of
the kind alleged cannot be tolerated.”
Mr. Cuomo said that his office had criminal and civil jurisdiction in the case
and that he would weigh the level of fraud against intent in determining how to proceed. He said that civil charges, involving
money damages, were a probable result of the investigation and that criminal charges were possible.
“This is not a close legal call,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Nobody can
come in and say, ‘Oh, I didn’t understand the rules.’ People understand the rules.”
Scoop on the Lawyer Pension Scandal (5/10/08)
Attorney General Andrew Cuomo cut a deal this past week with a Buffalo
law firm, Hodgson Russ. The deal forced the firm to pay a $50,000.00 penalty for the improper arrangement of having
its attorneys listed as employees of the local BOCES, while they should have been listed as independent contractors. Hodgson
Russ cut this deal quickly, so as to distinguish themselves from the other firms and attorneys that have been named in the
school district attorney pension scandal. None of the Hodgson Russ attorneys were contributing to the pension system.
The Hodgson Russ arrangement simply was a means of local school districts accessing attorneys at Hodgson Russ through the
middle-man of the BOCES. This was really a “scam” targeting the New York State Education Department in order
to claim reimbursements from NYSED for the attorney expenses. The beneficiaries of this scam were the local school districts,
and the victim the NYSED. It is much less egregious than the pension scandal that Cuomo is pursuing. Karl
Kristoff, a senior partner at Hodgson Russ is rumored to have approached the Attorney General’s office and brokered
this deal to save the firm from possible criminal liability.
A source at Hodgson Russ indicated that the firm’s decision-makers
were aware that this scandal was explosive and that Attorney General Cuomo is expected to select a number of those attorneys
in the pension scandal that have engaged in the most egregious conduct and arrest them. The HR employee indicated that
HR wanted to be sure to be isolated from the “upcoming fireworks.” The deal cut by HR protected the firm
from any criminal action that is anticipated being initiated against firms and attorneys involved in the pension scandal.
The HR employee spoke to SchoolWatch on condition of anonymity indicated that HR attorneys did
this at the instigation of BOCES, and there was no personal gain such as pension benefits. Apparently, the Marc Rietz
decision of 2002 that prevented CNY attorney Marc Rietz from collecting pension benefits was known to the attorneys at HR,
therefore they did not attempt to collect pensions. “That decision forbidding this pension scam is well-known
to every attorney that practices school law in New York. Marc Reitz has spoken openly about it at many conferences and
informal gatherings. No one in the education law field was unaware of it.”
Cuomo is also under fierce political pressure to abandon his campaign against
the corrupt and politically connected attorneys. The attempts to derail Cuomo’s investigation include
pressure from the New York State Education Department. A source close to the A.G.’s office reported that Cuomo is looking
at each case separately, but is seeing a growing pattern of conduct suggesting systemic abuses that go beyond the pension
scandal. Other investigations have spun off from the pension scandal, and there is talk of a RICO task
force being formed to investigate these crimes, and that individuals working in Albany in the New York State Education Department’s
Office of Counsel may also be the targets of this RICO task force. (RICO is the acronym for the law enforcement statute that
addresses Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations).
Interestingly, while Cuomo’s office ramps up for an expanded investigation
into corruption, Richard Mills, the Commissioner of Education, issued a joint statement with the A.G. regarding the pension
scandal and congratulating BOCES districts for their cooperation with the A.G.’s office. Mills has
been attempting to head off this scandal and has expressed fear to staffers of this attorney scandal leading to connections
to NYSED awareness and involvement in other scandals. Mills is right to have these concerns, as multiple
lawyers have had their criminal defense attorneys speaking to investigators from the A.G.’s office and brokering deals.
SchoolWatch has learned that these “brokered deals” involve school district
lawyers providing information about other monetary scandals that they are aware of, and that some of those scandals involve
money filtering to individuals in key positions in the Commissioner’s office, including the Office of Counsel and the
Office of State Review.
SchoolWatch has developed a number of sources
that are providing information to us on this matter. Stay tuned. There is more to come.
Old ruling adds to pension dispute
2004 state Supreme Court decision could bolster effort to deny credits in state system to private lawyers
By RICK KARLIN, Capitol bureau Click byline for more stories by writer. First
published: Tuesday, May 6, 2008
With private lawyers under state scrutiny for getting themselves listed as public employees
in order to get into New York's pension system, a 2004 court case has come to light that clearly stated the practice was not
Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo have been casting a widening net across New York's legal
landscape, exploring instances in which lawyers have been listed as employees of school districts or BOCES organizations in
order to gain taxpayer-financed pension credits.
Because such lawyers, who typically work at outside law firms, don't meet the usual definition of an employee, Cuomo maintains
they don't qualify for public pensions. He has criticized such practices as "payroll padding" by school systems.
But some lawyers and school officials have said they did nothing wrong, at least not knowingly, since the comptroller,
attorney general and state Education Department had not previously disallowed the practice.
However, in a little-known case in state Supreme Court in Albany County, a judge in 2004 ruled a lawyer for a central New
York BOCES could not accrue pension credits for his legal work for the same reasons noted by Cuomo and DiNapoli -- that people
must meet certain conditions in order to be listed as employees, such as working regular hours and under supervision.
In that case, Marc H. Reitz had sued the Teachers Retirement System, seeking pension credits from the 1980s until 2002
for his work as a legal adviser to the Oswego County BOCES and the South Jefferson and Oneida school districts in central
New York.
Justice Joseph Cannizzaro in his decision sided with the retirement system, ruling that Reitz should not have been listed
as an employee at Oswego BOCES, South Jefferson and Oneida. He found Oneida had agreed to "pay and report petitioner as an
employee" in order to boost his final average salary for retirement purposes.
DiNapoli and Cuomo are looking into whether lawyers were also improperly included in the State and Local Retirement System,
which is separate from the teachers system.
Last month, for instance, lawyers from Albany's Girvin & Ferlazzo law firm -- Jay Girvin, Jeffrey Honeywell, Kristine
Lanchantin and Kathy Ann Wolverton -- were stripped of state pension credits when DiNapoli said they shouldn't have been listed
as employees of the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES, which hired them to do legal work for member school districts.
And people familiar with the situation said Cuomo and DiNapoli are at least looking at whether the Syracuse firm where
Reitz is listed as a partner, Ferrara, Fiorenza Larrison Barrett & Reitz PC, also may have had people improperly listed
as earning pension credits from the State and Local Retirement System.
Cuomo is also continuing to probe Girvin & Ferlazzo.
The 2004 case appears to bolster arguments by DiNapoli and Cuomo about contractors not being entitled to those credits.
"The court case is crystal clear," said one Albany lawyer, Matthew B. Tully, who added, "I would think the attorney general
is in a much stronger position because of this case."
Reitz didn't return a call on Monday.
Jeff Honeywell of Girvin & Ferlazzo, though, said he was unaware of the 2004 case, which was unreported, meaning it
hasn't been widely reprinted in law books or other sources.
Honeywell said the Reitz case involved a separate retirement system. Additionally, Reitz appeared able to keep other pension
credits, according to the ruling, due to his earlier employment with the Oswego BOCES prior to becoming a lawyer.
Rick Karlin can be reached at 454-5758 or by e-mail at | |
All Times Union materials copyright 1996-2008, Capital Newspapers Division of The Hearst Corporation, Albany,
DiNapoli suspends $106,700 lawyer pension
4:58 PM EDT, April 25, 2008
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli has suspended the $106,700 a year pension of a
Valley Stream attorney who had received 21 years of retroactive pension credits from Nassau
County and Hempstead town, even though he had been
paid as an independent contractor and not as an employee, officials said Friday.
Albert D'Agostino, 64, would have
to pay back most, if not all, of the roughly $791,359 he's collected since retiring in October 2000, if DiNapoli's office
determines he was not a legitimate employee, officials said. In addition, he would have to pay back $83,015 in health benefits
he has received.
"We suspended his pension while we look at all the entities that reported him as an employee, to see
if any were eligible," said DiNapoli spokeswoman Emily DeSantis. She added that the comptroller would recalculate D'Agostino's
pension and "most likely reduce his benefit."
Newsday, which wrote about D'Agostino's retroactive pension credits two
weeks ago, has reported on a number of attorneys who, while working as independent contractors for school districts, also
received state pension credits as if they were employees.
Yesterday, DiNapoli said more pensions could be suspended.
"We'll continue to dig until we're confident that state pensions are only going to those people that rightly earned them,"
he said.
D'Agostino was also reported as an employee by three school districts – Lawrence,
Valley Stream 30 and North Merrick – and the Village of
Valley Stream, while being paid additional fees as a contractor. He accumulated
a total of 28 years credit in the state retirement system.
D'Agostino declined comment Friday.
SchoolWatch, a Long Island advocacy group, posted a statement on its Web site urging a boycott
of law firms "involved in the pension scandal."
"We as taxpayers simply cannot sit back and continue to feed these
'fat cat' lawyers and their firms. . ." the group said. "Millions of dollars have been stuffed in the pockets of these firms
and attorneys, and it must stop."
In deciding in 2000 to give D'Agostino the retroactive credits, the state
relied on letters from two prominent people connected to the Nassau County Planning Commission, an advisory board where D'Agostino
served as part-time counsel. The state also considered his 1099 payments – tax forms used to pay independent contractors,
not employees.
Nassau County Comptroller Howard Weitzman said D'Agostino was placed on the county payroll in 1999.
When he retired in 2000 and secured the retroactive credits, he also got lifetime health benefits.
Weitzman said the
county has paid $83,015 so far for D'Agostino's family health coverage. If DiNapoli determines that D'Agostino is not entitled
to the pension, the county would end his benefits and seek to recover the $83,015.
Weitzman has asked the state to
refund the $102,246 the county paid to fund D'Agostino's pension.
Last month, DiNapoli froze the pension of attorney
Lawrence Reich, who Newsday found was reported as a full-time employee by five school districts simultaneously. DiNapoli determined
that Reich was not an employee and said Reich would have to pay back money he wasn't entitled to. Reich, who retired in 2006
with a $61,459 pension, has about 10 years of eligible service with the state.
The FBI, the state Attorney General,
the IRS and the Nassau District Attorney have launched investigations.
Last week, DiNapoli revoked pension memberships
of four Albany attorneys who were reported as employees by
an upstate BOCES and reduced service credit for a fifth attorney. Earlier this month, he announced new regulations for local
governments to determine who is an employee.
Copyright © 2008, Newsday Inc.
Cuomo: 90 attorneys' pensions 'potentially fraudulent'
7:37 PM EDT, April 10, 2008
New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that his office has found more than 90 attorneys around the
state, including 20 on Long Island, who may have improperly been given credit for state pensions because of "potentially fraudulent"
claims that they were employees of school districts and not ineligible outside contractors.
Cuomo said his office was
considering bringing criminal or civil charges against the lawyers and seeking to recoup potentially "tens of millions of
dollars" in pension monies that the lawyers may have improperly received at the expense of taxpayers in what he termed "basically
a payroll padding scheme."
"It is egregious conduct and there is no excuse for the fact that it went on as long as
it did," Cuomo said at a news conference in Albany. "And if I were a taxpayer, I would be offended. I am a taxpayer, by the
way. I am offended."
The attorney general said he began his investigation in February in the wake of Newsday's stories.
issue actually started on Long Island and it has been expanding rapidly," Cuomo said. "The more we dig, the worse the situation
Cuomo declined to identify any of the 90 lawyers under investigation for the scheme, but said "it was a great
scam which has gone on for many years."
Six of the 20 Long Island attorneys identified by investigators as having received
pension credits have died, according to sources familiar with the investigation. The other 14 include four who have not been
previously linked to the pension situation in Newsday articles, according to the sources.
Those four attorneys include
one who serves as vice chairman of Nassau County Comptroller Howard Weitzman's advisory panel on county auditing procedures.
No charges have been brought against anyone.
In his news conference, Cuomo singled out an unnamed attorney as having
collected "in excess of $700,000 in taxpayer-funded pension benefits." That attorney -- who sources identified as John Hogan,
78, of Binghamton -- in one year was simultaneously listed on the payrolls of seven school districts and a BOCES, Cuomo said.
at his home, Hogan told a reporter, "I couldn't really comment."
Cuomo said that the 90 attorneys worked for 180 school
districts around the state, including 30 on Long Island.
The felony charges sources say are under consideration include
filing false claims, fraud and violation of the state's so-called Tweed Law, which enables the attorney general to pursue
both criminal and civil charges.
Of the 14 on Long Island contacted by a reporter, all said they had done nothing wrong.
Some noted that the granting of pension credits to school district attorneys was a system that had been going on for decades
and is a practice that they inherited from the previous attorneys in the districts.
In his news conference, Cuomo dismissed
that argument.
"We're talking about lawyers well versed in employment statutes who know that 'business as usual' is
no excuse for breaking the law," Cuomo said. "In many instances, these were not simple misunderstandings but repeated acts
of fraud."
Newsday previously has reported that 10 of the 14 attorneys included in Cuomo's investigation received credit
for pensions because they were listed as employees of school districts whose hiring was approved by school boards.
four other Long Island attorneys, who have not been previously identified, according to the sources, are:
DeSibio, 70, of Hewlett, who is receiving a state pension of $65,945 a year, according to state comptroller records. DeSibio
received the pension for work as an employee of the Island Park School District, as well as the Greater Atlantic Beach sewer
district, the Liquidation Bureau in the state Insurance Department, and the Village of Island Park, according to the state
comptroller's office.
In 2003, DeSibio was given credit for working full-time for the sewer district and, at the same
time, credit for half of the year for both the school district and the liquidation bureau, according to the state records.
to Island Park School District minutes, DeSibio remained on its payroll after retiring in July 2003 and changed his status
from employer to independent contractor on March 31.
Terrence Smolev, 63, of Mineola, who is receiving a yearly pension
of $4,143, according to state comptroller records. Smolev is also vice chairman of Nassau County Comptroller Howard Weitzman's
audit advisory committee, was a longtime trustee of Hofstra University and currently is a trustee at Dowling College. Smolev
was credited in the state pension system for working as an employee of the North Merrick School District between 1982 and
George Lipp Jr., 80, a former Bay Shore attorney now retired in Florida. Lipp collects a pension of $9,321, according
to the state comptroller's office. He was credited with working for the Babylon, Island Trees and Levittown school districts.
Ginsberg, 79, of Garden City, who receives a $1,314-a-year pension, according to the controller. He was credited with working
full time for the Malverne school district between 1980 and 1991.
Lipp declined to comment. DeSibio and Ginsberg did
not return calls for comment. Smolev said he was unaware of any investigation by Cuomo and said he had done nothing wrong
during his work for the North Merrick School District.
The other 10 attorneys under investigation who have been previously
identified by Newsday are: William Cullen, Albert D'Agostino, Jerome Ehrlich, William Englander, Gilbert Henoch, Carol Hoffman,
Dominick Minerva, Richard Nicolello, Lawrence Reich, and Leroy Van Nostrand.
None returned calls seeking comment on
Cuomo's ongoing criminal investigation. Some of their attorneys said they had done nothing wrong.
"This is the farthest
thing from a criminal case; nor should it be, because no criminal conduct occurred," said Hoffman's attorney, Kenneth Keating,
of Garden City.
Staff writers Sandra Peddie and Eden Laikin contributed to this story.
Copyright © 2008, Newsday Inc.
5 school districts claimed same "full-time"
4:24 PM EST, February 14, 2008
Five Long Island school districts falsely reported to the state that a part-time private attorney
was a full-time employee in each district, enabling him to earn a public pension of nearly $62,000 and health benefits for
At the same time, his law firm was paid more than $2.5 million in fees, records show.
The attorney, Lawrence
W. Reich, was listed as full time by as many as five different school districts at once -- Baldwin, Copiague, East Meadow,
Bellmore-Merrick High School and Harborfields,
according to records supplied by the New York State comptroller's office. In 2000, for example, he was credited with working 1,271
days in one year. The year before, he was credited with working 1,286 days.
State auditors uncovered the problem seven
months ago in Harborfields, but took no action. On Thursday, the state comptroller sent letters to four of the five districts
- Baldwin, Copiague, Bellmore-Merrick and Harborfields - notifying them that they would be
audited to determine whether they were properly classifying people who provide professional services as employees or contractors.
a statement, Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said, "We have decided to take a closer look at this issue to make sure that only
those individuals who are entitled to receive a state pension get a state pension."
Reich defended his arrangement
with the districts as "common practice" among attorneys on Long Island.
A Newsday review of records shows that Reich submitted no
time sheets, never worked full time and that school officials knew he was only working part time. They allowed him to collect
public benefits worth tens of thousands of dollars. His law firm, Ingerman, Smith of Northport,
knew of the arrangement, as well, the records show. And an official at one district even made light of the situation in a
letter warning Reich that there might be a problem with his status and asking him how to "correct the record" of his "employment."
show that Reich drafted contracts setting the compensation for superintendents and other top administrators. School officials
told Newsday it wasn't a conflict of interest for him to do that while he was working as the school attorney because he reported
to the boards of education, not the superintendents. Under Internal Revenue Service rules, a person cannot be paid both as
an independent contractor and employee for the same job.
"Clearly, it's an attempt to manipulate the system so that
a person can receive Cadillac fringe benefits that a person in the private sector would otherwise not be entitled to," said
Paul Sabatino, a municipal lawyer who is also former Suffolk chief deputy county executive. "To me, that has the appearance
of impropriety, and I wouldn't do it," said William Bernstein, co-chairman of the Suffolk Bar Association's taxation committee.
"It's obvious to me why he wanted to be an employee."
In an interview, Reich insisted he had done nothing wrong. "I
don't file these papers," he said. "I don't have the faintest idea what they're filing for me." He said that he did propose
that the districts pay him a salary, while also paying a retainer to his firm, in which he was a partner.
"I followed
essentially a practice that was very common among my colleagues in the industry," he said. Former state Comptroller Alan Hevesi
harshly criticized a similar arrangement in February 2005, when his office discovered that a small state authority for horse
breeding had given Rocky Point attorney Steven Losquadro full-time benefits, even though he worked part time. Hevesi called
the arrangement "unacceptable and highly inappropriate," and Losquadro agreed to stop receiving health benefits.
audit, reported in Newsday, caught the attention of Joseph Dragone, Harborfields' then-assistant superintendent for business.
On March 3, 2005, he wrote Reich, asking him how to "correct the record of your 'employment' by the school district."
added, "Although you are obviously better looking than Steven Losquadro, I would still not like to see your picture in Newsday,
nor am I interested, quite frankly, in my own fifteen minutes of fame."
A copy of the letter was sent to then-Harborfields
Superintendent Raymond McCloat, who has since retired and now works in the Freeport
schools. In an interview, McCloat said Reich's arrangement was "never questioned" while he was at Harborfields.
officials refused to release Dragone's letter and other correspondence requested under the Freedom of Information Law, but
Newsday obtained them elsewhere.
Dragone declined to be interviewed, but said in an e-mail: "Sorry, but other than
the fact that Larry was a professional colleague in three districts in which I worked and good friend for more than 30 years,
I would have no desire to comment to the news media about my relationship with him."
Reich began his career in the
state Education Department Office of Counsel in 1967, according to his resume. He left in 1978 to work for the law firm. That
same year, he started working for the Baldwin school district, which provided him with family
health coverage.
Over the following years, Bellmore-Merrick High School, East Meadow, Copiague and Harborfields all listed
Reich as an employee. In 2000, all five listed him as full time at the same time.
Records also show he was paid part
time. In 2002, for example Baldwin paid him $14,999.92, East Meadow $14,000, Bellmore-Merrick High School $23,911.63, Copiague $26,363,65 and Harborfields $16,713.03.
East Meadow
school district records show that Reich left that district's payroll on Nov. 30, 2001.
Superintendents in Baldwin and Bellmore-Merrick, who were not at the districts when Reich was hired, declined to say whether
they thought Reich's arrangement was appropriate.
But Copiague Superintendent William Bolton, who was not at the district
when Reich started there in 1988, defended it as common practice. He also suggested that any questions about Reich's arrangement
were making a mountain out of a molehill. "It seems rather small," he said.
James Brennan, Harborfields board president,
said board members were assured by Reich and his law firm that his arrangement was appropriate. "We were always told that
it was legitimate," he said.
Under state pension rules, a public employee can earn only one year's credit in a calendar
year, regardless of the number of days credited, said Emily DeSantis, spokeswoman for the state comptroller.
because Reich was treated as an employee, he was allowed to accrue 41.82 years in the state pension system, according to records,
even though he was in private practice most of that time. In addition, because Baldwin began
listing him as a full-time employee in 1978, Reich was able to retain health benefits.
Ingerman Smith was aware of
the arrangement. On Aug. 29, 1995, firm partner Daniel Greenberg wrote a letter to the Harborfields school district, saying,
"We appreciate the Board's willingness to accommodate this method of continuing its relationship with the firm."
did not return a call for comment.
The firm is one of the larger educational law firms on Long
Island, representing nearly 50 districts, according to its Web site. Campaign records show the firm has contributed
generously to various state and local politicians.
In 2005, Janet Wilson arrived as superintendent in Harborfields.
In August, she questioned Reich's arrangement, according to records.
In a letter she later wrote to the state retirement
system, Wilson said the district asked Reich to either document
his time or change the arrangement.
"Despite several reminders to Mr. Reich, the arrangement remained unchanged..."
in September 2006, Reich retired from the districts with an annual pension of $61,459. But in letters, he made it clear that
he planned to continue working for the districts.
"Although I intend to retire into the New York State Employees Retirement
System, I have no intention to retire in the customary sense of the word. I will remain active as member of the law firm,
and I will continue to serve the district as previously," he wrote.
He asked that the districts "reconfigure" his payment
and pay him a traditional retainer, rather than a salary. That was in addition to the retainer being paid to the firm.
in July 2007, state auditors reviewing the books of the Harborfields school district questioned his pension eligibility, he
said in the interview.
Upon the advice of auditors, Wilson
wrote the state retirement system, making it clear the district had no records showing that Reich ever worked full time.
said he also contacted the state, but was assured that his arrangement was common practice and that "I shouldn't be unduly
concerned," Reich said.
In October -- shortly before the Harborfields audit was released, Reich notified the districts
that he was retiring for good.
In December, the state comptroller's office released the Harborfields audit. Although
it criticized excessive retirement payouts to several former administrators, including Dragone, it made no mention of Reich.
Copyright © 2008, Newsday Inc.
Partial client list
from the Ingerman, Smith web-site:
* Amagansett Union Free School District * Baldwin Union Free School District * Bay Shore Union Free School District * Bedford Central School District * Bellmore-Merrick Central High
School District
* Brentwood Union Free School District * Bronxville Union Free School District * Center Moriches Union Free School District * Cold Spring Harbor Union Free School District * Copiague Union Free School District
* Cradle
of Aviation
* Dobbs Ferry Union Free School District * Dowling College * East Islip Public Library * East Islip UnionFree School District * East Meadow
Union Free School District * East Quogue Union Free School District * Elwood Union Free School District
* Freeport
Union Free School District * Greenburgh-Graham Union Free School District * Harborfields Central School District * Harrison Central School District * Hauppauge Union Free School District
* Huntington
Public Library
* Irvington Union Free School District * Islip Union Free School District * Jericho Union Free School District * Katonah-Lewisboro Union Free School District * Kings Park Central School District * Levittown Union Free School District
* Long Beach
City School District
* Longwood Central School District * Longwood Public Library * Mahopac Central School District * Mamaroneck Union Free School District * Massapequa Union Free School District * Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District * Mount Pleasant Central School
* Nassau BOCES
* Nassau Community College * North Shore Central School District * Northport-East Northport Union Free School District * Nyack Union Free School District * Ossining Union Free School District
* Plainedge Union Free School District - PAT FLAMIO WORKS HERE
* Pocantico Hills Union Free School District * Port Jefferson Union Free School
* Riverhead Central School District * Rockville Centre Union Free School District * Roslyn Union Free School District * Rye City School District * Sachem Central School District * Seaford Union Free School District
* South
Huntington Union Free School District * Southold Union Free School District * Uniondale Union Free School District * Village of Westhampton Beach * Wantagh Union Free School District
* West Babylon
Union Free School District * White Plains City School District
Newsday ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LO
Jerome Ehrlich andCarol
Hoffman received public benefits while working as private attorneys for Long Island School Districts
Messy business indeed
Joye Brown
so it grows, with today’s installment of lawyers, law firms, school districts, school board members and superintendents
caught in the glare of public scrutiny.It’s a mess. And by the time the state attorney general and federal Internal
Revenue Service and FBI are finished, it could spread to districts across Long Island.
But wait. Weren't they supposed to be taking steps to root out this kind of abuse? Thetheft of millions of dollars in
public money in the Roslyn school system sent district administrators to prison; so did a 2006 grand jury investigation
of Suffolk County’s
70 school districts.
September, the Suffolk grand jury issued a scathing report,
which found three major problems:
Lack of oversight and internal controls by those charged with the responsibility to safeguard taxpayers’money.’
Large expenditures of public funds for compensation and fringe benefits to school administrators that are largely hidden
from taxpayers and designed to be beyond taxpayer control.
- The public pension system for school district employees is
being defrauded of millions of dollars in taxpayer money.
it’s 2008 and residents are livid – again! – over a series of Newsday reports about a system of education
that has allowed private lawyers to earn money, and state pensions, by contracting to do legal work.
changed? “There’s been virtually no change in anything,” Thomas
Spota, Suffolk’s district attorney, said yesterday.
nothing will change until Long Island starts seeing the local education system for what is is. BIG BUSINESS.
Long Island’s more than 170 school districts account of more than 8 percent of the region’s
economy. That’s a $9.3-billion industry. And it’s bred healthy cottage industries of law firms, administrators,
consultants and vendors of all kinds who rely on it for their livelihoods. Like any system, the primary goal of Long Island’s business of education is to keep itself in business. It’s like a political
party that favors players who are well connected.
stronger than any democratic branch of government because there’s no loyal opposition, no organized system of checks
and balances to keep things honest.
a system so entrenched that the public’s only recourse is to turn down budgets. And even when they do, they have no
control of 65 percent of the budget.
What happens? Children lose programs. Some parents have to find ways other
than buses to get their kids to school. And they lose teachers, the newest and least powerful in the system.
don’t stop; personal contracts for administrators– which the grand jury determined to include perks from cars
to district contributions to private pension plans – don’t get renegotiated. Nor do contracts for law firms
or the public relations firms that represent some districts.
stuff’s set in stone by the superintendent and the school board long before the budget debate and the vote.
system protects itself. It’s tailor-made for abuse, all in the name of local control. There’s much to admire
about Long Island’s system of educating children. Its schools – with the
exception of those we keep racially and economically isolated – are among the best in the nation.
reason to love our schools. But how long will that love be blind?
Why would an attorney for a private law firm want to get onto a public payroll such as a school district?
Because you would become a member of the New York State Employees Retirement System. For every year you’re listed
as a part-time or full-time public employee, you accumulate credits toward your retirement pension. The more time you
accumulate in the system, the higher the percentage of you final average salary you receive in your pension benefit. The
formula for figuring out one’s retirement benefit is basically the percentage of years in the system multiplied by the
average of the highest three years of salary.
Four law firms dominate school district services
10:40 PM EST, February 23, 2008
On Long Island, where
public education is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, four law firms control more than 60 percent of the estimated cost for
legal services.
In 106 of the 124 school districts, $56.9 million was spent for legal fees
from 2000 through 2004 -- $16.4 million alone during the 2003-2004 school year. Experts say legal costs have grown since then,
with lawyers handling a wide range of issues from personnel and union issues to special education lawsuits.
The four law firms -- Guercio & Guercio in Farmingdale; Ingerman Smith in Hauppauge; Ehrlich, Frazer &
Feldman, and Jaspan Schlesinger Hoffman, both of Garden City -- earned the majority of that total amount during that period,
the most recent data available to Newsday.
Some experts say that consolidation of legal
services is expected because educational law is highly specialized and few lawyers are experts at it.
In an unprecedented series of moves that have unfolded in rapid-fire fashion in the past week, three of these
firms -- Guercio & Guercio being the exception -- that have attorneys whose arrangements with school districts allowed
them to receive lucrative public benefits while working as private legal counsel are now under state and federal investigation.
Subpoenas and probes
Last week, Ingerman Smith turned
over its files on former law partner Lawrence Reich to the FBI and the IRS. New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has
opened both a civil and criminal investigation and has subpoenaed records at the three law firms.
and state investigations were begun a week ago after Newsday reported that Reich, while at Ingerman Smith, was also listed
as a full-time employee at five school districts at the same time, even as the law firm was on retainer to those same districts,
allowing him to earn an annual state pension of more than $61,000.
Carol Hoffman, a partner
at Jaspan Schlesinger Hoffman, was listed on public records as an employee at different times at four districts, Newsday has
reported. At Plainedge and she was listed as full time; at East Rockaway and Lawrence, part time.
Jerome Ehrlich, a partner of the Garden City law firm of Ehrlich, Frazer & Feldman, was employed part time
by two districts, Hewlett-Woodmere and Great Neck simultaneously -- and prior to that, full time at Bellmore-Merrick
Central High School
District. That allowed him to retire in 2006 with an annual pension of $34,029. Both served the
districts as outside counsels at the time of the pension accruals. Hoffman has not yet retired.
Smith, Ehrlich, Frazer & Feldman, and Jaspan Schlesinger Hoffman have been subpoened in recent days.
Federal and state criminal probes of numerous Long Island school districts
is unprecedented. All of the firms involved have said they have done nothing wrong. Last week, Guercio & Guercio posted
a letter on its Web site essentially stating that it had broken no laws and had never had one of its attorneys on a school
Education expertise
The evolution of how four
law firms tied up the bulk of the legal work has to do with the growing complexities of education law, said Gregory Guercio,
a partner in Guercio & Guercio, which currently represents 31 of the Island's 124 districts.
"School districts are $100 million plus corporations today with very significant and intense
legal issues," said Guercio. "There is no school district that could employ enough staff lawyers with all the specialties
Representatives of the firms and others say that, as education law has become
more complex within so many different areas of law, districts need larger firms to handle their needs. Those needs include
lawyers having specialties in such diverse areas as labor, special education, litigation, and even public construction law
and bonding issues.
"We have five lawyers that do only special education work," said Guercio.
Critics, who generally agree that large firms can handle more specialized needs, say that
these law firms wield too much power with school boards and superintendents, and are not looking out for the best interests
of taxpayers.
Relationships too close?
Very few school
districts maintain inside counsel, experts say, because no one lawyer could handle all the work. Firms with expertise in the
complexities of education law are hired by -- and report to -- boards of education, not superintendents, although they will
represent them if litigation comes out of the duties of that position, such as a student suspension.
Newsday reported last week that, while acting as a district's attorney, Reich was also drafting contracts for
individual administrators. Critics characterized that relationship as too cozy.
to representatives in the firms, most districts pay two separate retainers -- one for labor counsel and one for general counsel.
Retainer rates vary, but most are between $30,000 to $50,000 a year for each of the two areas. That gives school administrators
and boards access to them from a quick phone call on an employee matter to representing the district on a complicated special
education case. General counsels also sit at school board meetings to advise the board on matters of law and to close the
meeting to the public to discuss personnel matters.
The labor counsel, usually from the
same law firm, deals with grievances filed by employees to negotiating with unions.
contract could take 18 months to two years to settle, with a tremendous amount of our time for that," said John Gross, a senior
partner with Ingerman Smith, which has 30 attorneys and represents 35 school districts.
other litigation, attorneys charge a lesser rate, about half of their normal $400 an hour, said Gross.
Roy Simon, a professor and expert on legal ethics at Hofstra
Law School, said that attorneys
also benefit from charging a retainer, because it builds close relationships with the school board.
makes deep connections," he said. "It is less likely that if someone will charge less, that the district will use them instead."
Steven Schlesinger, a partner with Jaspan Schlesinger Hoffman, who has developer Donald
Trump as a client, said school districts get a bargain when his firm represents them. He said stories about the federal and
state investigations will hurt districts in the long run because large law firms won't want to solicit their business.
"Right now, my private client is paying $550 an hour, and school districts are paying $215 to $225 an hour,
plus all the bad publicity I can find," he said.
Lorraine Deller, executive director of
Nassau-Suffolk School Board Association, said school boards are awaiting the results of the investigation and hoping for some
clear-cut direction.
"Right now, we are still puzzled as to what exactly are the ramifications
of the story," she said.
wants records from every LI school district
February 24, 2008
The investigation into possible financial
misconduct at Long Island school districts has escalated sharply as New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo requested
that all 124 districts on Long
Island provide extensive information on their relationships with lawyers and law firms for the past eight years.
"Double dipping and self-dealing cannot be permitted," Cuomo spokesman Jeffrey Lerner said
late yesterday afternoon, in explaining the marked expansion of Cuomo's ongoing probe. "The attorney general's office will
be looking beyond whether any one person did something wrong. We are now focused on determining whether these alleged abuses
are systemwide."
Ten days ago, Newsday reported that one lawyer, Lawrence Reich, had been
a full-time employee of five school districts simultaneously, even as he and his law firm, Ingerman Smith of Hauppauge, were
being paid for services. That arrangement allowed Reich to receive a state pension and lifetime health benefits.
Since that story was published, two more lawyers were reported by Newsday to have been on the payrolls of six
additional districts, bringing the total to 11. Yesterday's developments expand the investigation to every Long
Island district.
Since the first story broke, a federal grand jury in Central Islip has opened an investigation and federal prosecutors, FBI and IRS agents have questioned
potential witnesses and issued subpoenas.
Cuomo, in a separate but parallel investigation,
has subpoenaed three law firms in the past week to get their records in connection with attorneys receiving state retirement
credit for working full or part time for the school systems while their law firms were also paid by the districts. Nobody
has been charged.
Stressing the speed of the investigation, yesterday's letter to the districts
from Cuomo's office asks that all the requested material be returned in writing by Friday and that before then a state investigator
might contact the districts for oral reports on the material.
The letter - sent to all
the school districts on Friday - was signed by the head of Cuomo's public integrity unit, Ellen Nachtigall Biben, who has
the title of special deputy attorney general.
Among the information requested is the names
of all lawyers who were paid as district employees while their firms also were retained by the district; the amount of money
paid directly to the lawyers as district employees and the amount of money paid separately to their firms; and the names and
amounts of payments to all lawyers by the districts.
The districts were asked to supply
the information voluntarily. But sources told Newsday yesterday that the attorney general's office was prepared to issue subpoenas
to compel any district that declined to cooperate voluntarily.
TO: Fellow Mad-as-Hell Taxpayers
February 24, 2008
Another day, another scandal involving wasted tax dollars.
Isn't that the way you feel sometimes when you pick up the newspaper?
This past week, there was a story about a prosperous-looking
lawyer, Lawrence Reich, who wriggled his way into the state pension system. He did so by having himself listed as a full-time
employee on the books of five separate Long Island school districts. In fact, he was working as a consultant, but his dishonesty qualified
him for a public pension of nearly $62,000 a year. By the end of the week, two more law firms and 11 school districts were
implicated in similar sweetheart deals. We taxpayers are their dupes.
Then there was the $85,000 Mastic Beach public pool tile repair that turned
into a $7.1-million payday for the contractors. Can you imagine continuing to sign those bills without at least asking a few
tough questions?
If hard-working, honest Long Islanders aren't fed up by now with this abuse of our trust, then we
are as numb as ocean swimmers in February. It's one thing to look at a rising property tax bill and think, "At least I'm getting
good services." Most people don't mind paying for a fair value, right?
But giving money to people who game the system,
who are continually figuring out new and sneakier ways to enrich themselves beyond our control ... that leaves a sick feeling.
One way to handle it is to immerse ourselves in our busy lives. We shrug about how we're powerless, roll up the windows in
our minivans and keep driving on.
But reality continues to knock.
This winter, we learned that the superintendent
of the Water Authority of Great Neck North, Robert Graziano, makes $192,427 a year, which is more than the salary for the
governor of New
York! He bought a car on the taxpayer's dime - a 2005 Ford Crown Victoria - and also a 42-inch plasma TV. He justified the TV to his board by saying it was
for "security" purposes. Oh, sure. That Giants-Patriots game probably never looked safer.
The man even hired his son,
Gregory, and got him a $38,300 pay increase just this year. Which of us wouldn't like to obtain secure jobs for our children
and pay them enough to live in Nassau
County? Gregory Graziano's salary is now $140,000.
special districts are part of what drives up the cost of living and makes it hard for our children to settle here. Special
taxing districts bill Nassau and Suffolk
taxpayers $500 million a year, or about $726 for every family of four. That money could go a long way toward paying the home
heating bills this winter.
Time to wake up
It feels as though some public employees - not all of them, of course;
thank goodness there are still dedicated public servants here who respect their constituents - have lost their sense of honor.
Honor is an old-fashioned word, but what else keeps someone from dipping a hand in the till when he or she can get away with
Brookhaven Town Supervisor Brian X. Foley, who took office
five years into the project, says he welcomes an investigation of the out-of-control spending on the Mastic Beach pool. Too bad it wasn't investigated
long before all the headlines. Or how about Harborfields' former assistant schools superintendent, who warned Reich in 2005
that he should correct the record of his employment status or risk having his "picture in Newsday"?
is public humiliation the only check on these people? Sometimes, it feels as though they are laughing at us.
The first
wake-up call came a few years ago, when officials announced that Roslyn school administrators had stolen millions of dollars
from the district. Don't you remember seeing the former school superintendent, Frank Tassone, dressed for his sentencing in
an orange jailhouse jumpsuit? He got four to 12 years in prison. What a shame. This is a man who was in a position to be a
role model for our children. Let's hope they don't follow his example.
His arrest led to probes of several Island school districts, and that lesson wasn't lost on voters. They rejected school budgets in near-record
numbers in 2005. The voting booth is one of the only outlets for our outrage.
But most of the school districts scheduled
a second vote and won. Word spread among parents that if the budgets weren't approved, the schools would cut our classroom
teacher's aide or the band program or bus service - things that are near to our hearts. Of course we felt blackmailed into
passing the budget on the second vote. Even when taxpayers try to stand up, we get shoved back down into our seats.
it any wonder we develop a cynical shell and tune out?
Only a few hundred people voted in this past December's election
of special district representatives, even after the Graziano tale and other abuses of the system came to light. To be fair,
one would have to be a walking Day Runner to keep up with these special district election schedules. There are 11 dates a
year across Long Island - one every month except for February.
Reform is clearly needed.
Gov. Eliot Spitzer has at least proposed to do away with the salaries and
benefits of special district officers; unpaid posts are the norm in most of New
York. Officials should also create a simpler election calendar. And, sure, the FBI is on the case
investigating Reich. County prosecutors, state comptrollers, IRS agents - we can rely on them to step in when a situation
turns really bad.
But school embezzlers and other scoundrels will probably keep gambling that they won't get caught.
to do, what to do?
There's more we can do, as individuals. But it's going to take stepping on the brakes of that minivan
and rolling down our windows. It's going to take a quiet revolution in what we value.
Say we decided to give up boasting
about our cars or boats or summer homes. Say we bragged instead about how carefully our school district spends our money -
and we know because we attend the meetings or serve on the board.
We could keep an eye open for that commissioner or
labor leader living beyond his or her means, and ask how that's possible. When a public pool is closed for five years running
- stranding the girls' swim team on dry land - we could make a few more inquiries. Learn about the Freedom of Information
Act. Request documentation. Write a letter to the editor. Blow the whistle.
There are a few souls in every community
who get involved beyond all expectation. Perhaps we could learn to treasure them more, and join them. That would give new
meaning to the word "citizen." That would be an example worth setting.
Forward this message to everyone you know.