concerned parents and exist only to further the greedy agenda of the teachers union. The teachers union is the root cause
of the problems with education in our communities.
Note: Before anyone starts with the teacher bashing cry, our issues are with the deceptive practices of the teachers union, not the teachers per se!
about Teachers Union Shenanigans:
Imperfect Union
Neil Weinberg
04.05.07, 6:00 AM ET
Lies, kickbacks, union corruption and tens of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains
are among the accusations laid out in a lawsuit that's likely to strike fear in the hearts of labor leaders and financial
executives across the country.
The suit, which is seeking class action status, accuses ING Life Insurance and the
New York State United Teachers of ripping off union members in a retirement savings plan through over-charges, undisclosed
payments and kickbacks.
The action is unusual in seeking to make the defendants subject to the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act. Until now, union pension plans have largely been exempt from ERISA, which was enacted to protect workers
in private-sector pension plans. If the suit is successful, ERISA claims could emerge as a huge potential liability for organized
labor and Wall Street alike.
Lynn Sarko, an attorney with Keller Rohrback in Seattle, who represents the plaintiffs,
says he's preparing to file three similar suits in the next month.
"Our investigation shows this was not an aberrant
practice but widespread at ING and its competitors," Sarko says. "What's so insidious in the New York case is that union
officials held themselves out as having investigated and approved retirement products when they were in fact conspiring with
ING to hide the facts and personally benefit."
ING is reviewing the suit and declined comment through a spokesman.
NY State United Teachers said through a spokesman that it was not surprised by the suit and its benefits arm will "provide
an appropriate legal response."
The suit, filed in United States District Court for the Southern District of New
York, claims that, unbeknown to its members, the union accepted millions of dollars from ING in exchange for an exclusive
endorsement of an allegedly over-priced deferred annuity. The ING product was offered inside a retirement savings plan known
as a 403(b), which is similar to 401(k) plans offered in the private sector.
The arrangement was first uncovered
in a Forbes story, "Costly Lesson," in April 2005. The story prompted a lawsuit by then-New York state Attorney General Eliot
Spitzer. ING paid $30 million to settle the suit and the teachers' union paid $100,000. The settlement did not preclude any
further litigation based on the ERISA claims.
Historically, unions and public entities offering 403(b) plans have been
exempt from the stringent fiduciary duties imposed by ERISA because they did not actively manage them. However, the NY
State United Teachers members' suit argues that, because the union exclusively endorsed ING's product, received millions of
dollars in compensation and actively promoted it, both the union and ING are subject to ERISA.
The suit claims
"ING reimbursed NYSUT for the salaries of certain employees of NYSUT whose jobs were to promote the plan to members while
appearing to be disinterested NYSUT employees."
The union received as much as $3 million annually for its
endorsement and told its members "we've done all the background work so you don't have to!" In total, 53,000 union members
invested over $2 billion in the plan. Expenses ran several times those of lower-cost alternatives.
Teacher Union Brass Accused of Taking
Lawsuit Filed by New York State Teachers Could
Be First of Many
In a class-action suit filed in March, New York teachers
are charging that the top officers of the benefit arm of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) union illegally
accepted millions of dollars from an investment firm in exchange for exclusively promoting to teachers an annuity
offered by the firm.
The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Manhattan, is "likely to strike fear in the hearts"
of union officials and the financial executives with whom they do union business "across the country," according
to Forbes magazine Senior Editor Neil Weinberg.
As Mr. Weinberg puts it, the suit accuses the NYSUT hierarchy
and the investment firm, ING Life Insurance, of "ripping off union members in a retirement savings
plan through over-charges, undisclosed payments and kickbacks." And Lynn Sarko, an attorney with the Seattle-based
law firm Keller Rohrback, who represents the plaintiffs, told Mr. Weinberg "he's preparing to file three similar
suits" this spring.
These lawsuits could be just the tip of the iceberg.
On April 7, Keller Rohrback issued
a press release announcing it has begun investigating a deal between the bosses of the National Education Association
(NEA) teacher union and the insurance firm Security Benefit.
Keller Rohrback is seeking to determine whether
the NEA union brass have improperly endorsed an annuity plan offered by Secuity Benefit in exchange for payments
the union receives from the firm.
Interests of Teachers, Teacher Union Bosses May Be Sharply
at Odds
"Until their arrangement was exposed, ING Life Insurance handed up to $3 million annually
to NYSUT officials," noted Cathy Jones, director of Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism, the education arm
of the national Right to Work movement.
"The payments constituted reimbursement for the salaries of NYSUT
employees whose jobs were to promote the apparently over-priced annuity plan to teachers while pretending to be disinterested
union staffers.
"Union lawyers may claim this arrangement was not technically illegal. But even if that's true,
the facts in the NYSUT lawsuit clearly show the interests of teachers may be sharply at odds with those of teacher
union bosses.
"And this scandal helps illustrate why state laws granting union bosses monopoly power to
negotiate with school boards over the pay, benefits, and working conditions of teachers, including union members
and nonmembers alike, have proven so harmful."
Committee Fights to Roll Back
Teacher Union Monopoly Bargaining Across Country
Ms. Jones explained: "It's bad
public policy to hand any group monopoly power to speak for a teacher who would rather speak for himself or herself.
is true even if the group has a record of moral probity.
"The fact is, though, as teachers' suit against the
NYSUT and imminent litigation and ongoing investigations by staff attorneys for Keller Rohrback show, it's
very common for teacher union officials to pursue their self-interest at teachers' expense."
law should not facilitate such corruption," commented National Right to Work Committe President Mark Mix. "That's
why the Committee and our 2.2 million members are working nationwide to roll back union monopoly bargaining over
public-school teachers and other employees.
"For example, just this spring the Committee and its allies in
Utah successfully lobbied for enactment of a law that significantly curtails teacher union officials' monopoly-bargaining privileges.
new law requires school districts and charter schools to give equal access to all education employee organizations, including
nonunion professional groups that oppose monopoly bargaining as well as teacher unions.
"Under the new law, no
teacher union can monopolize teacher mailboxes or email or employee orientation sessions, or receive favorable treatment
or endorsements from a school system.
"Greedy and power-hungry teacher union officials
have time and again victimized not just teachers and other school employees, but also schoolchildren, parents and
"But I'm cautiously hopeful that, over the next few years, many other states will emulate
Utah by rolling back or altogether prohibiting teacher union monopoly bargaining.
National Right to Work Newsletter
Excerpt from Newsday
Analysis: NY's special interests well-fed by your tax dollars
Press Writer
April 12, 2008
The Legislature
took a lot of heat last week for its secret budget negotiations, its abandonment of public conference committees required
by its own 2007 reform law, and its refusal _ with Gov. David Paterson _ to release details of how they would spend New Yorkers'
money until the bills were already passed.
But it
wasn't a complete secret. The unions and other special interests that have poured $171.2 million into lobbying over the last
year and gave candidates millions more for campaigns were in on it.
In the
hectic final days before New York's $121.7 billion budget
was adopted Wednesday, lawmakers debated bills for hours in televised sessions. But most of the decisions had already been
made behind closed doors, sometimes with lobbyists at the table. The public, who pays for it all, was shut out.
Take Verizon
Communications, a major employer in New York. The company
spent $3.2 million to lobby lawmakers and tossed another $157,620 at their campaigns, according to a report released last
week by the state Public Integrity Commission.
One of
Verizon's interests in Albany is a cell phone bill of rights
measure that would bar companies from requiring a customer to renew his or her service plan when adding a new phone, and prevent
a company from making the period of a contract longer. The industry is fighting this consumer-friendly bill, which remains
stuck in committee.
the money is not spent to block, but to get.
The New York State
United Teachers and United Federation of Teachers unions spent almost $3 million lobbying in 2007, the year the report examined,
and contributed $841,703 to campaigns. On Wednesday, the Legislature provided a record $1.75 billion increase in state school
aid despite a gaping deficit and falling revenues. In addition, the powerful unions secured a legislative change among thousands
of pages of budget bills that prohibits school districts from using student performance on test scores as a basis for denying
teachers tenure.
And most of the gush of education cash will go to salaries and hiring more teachers and administrators, said
E.J. McMahon of the Empire Center for New York State Policy,
part of the fiscally conservative Manhattan Institute. Adding more teachers and staff is often masked by saying the money
will pay to reduce class sizes, a more popular notion for the public.
"It feeds the bottom line and increases the union argument for paying them more," he said.
The result of taxpayers providing a big increase in state aid this year? Big increases in local school taxes
next year.
"Because there's no cap on school taxes, when you feed the bottom line with a big increase in one year, it usually
translates to bigger property taxes in coming years because the state aid increases aren't sustainable," he said.
He said last week's haul for public schools in the state budget proved this about the school unions: "There
is no question they are the tail that wags the whole dog." ...